Endpoint Privilege Management
ADCE helps improve Windows Users Experience
Access Level is updated without logoff or restart!

AZURE ready
Available in Azure Commercial and Azure Gov

Packages available in Windows MSI, MacOS DMG and UNIX TAR formats

Centrally manage endpoint configuration with an easy update.

Zero On Premises Infrastructure.
LAPS for azure
ADCE, for On Prem AD
Active Directory Client Extensions
Complex password is randomly generated, encrypted and stored in AD
Password Expiration Notification is displayed even when computer is offline.
Users are granted elevated rights for preset time only.
Near real-time and in-session update of Kerberos Tickets and Access Token.
Reconcile duplicate DNS Records. Safe Browsing on untrusted networks.

Group Policy Refreshes
Consistent and predictable Group Policy Refreshes on VPN computers.
Allow Updating Selected User Attributes including jpegPhoto
Independent of DNS, same name always resolves to closest available DC.
Block access on remote computers to unknown and untrusted sites.